Monday, April 2, 2012

The Party Never Ends

Well Afton's birthday celebration has gone from a single day to a good solid month! We are lucky to have so many loving grandparents, aunts, and friends who want to eat cake with us!

A few things I want to remember about Afton at age 6...
-She's quite 'crafty'. I am SO proud! She loves to draw, write stories, and make things (spiderwebs, bridges, clouds, puppets, cards, and lots of letters.)
-She loves to collect "things". She has boxes full of trinkets and treasures.
-Her signature look at 6 is a side pony tail (low) and a headband.
-She also loves to carry a purse with money and wear red TOMS. Ha!
-She is happiest outside. One of her presents was a rope swing, she loves being in the trees. Or digging in the dirt. Or doing cartwheels across the lawn.
-She is a serious little student. Afton concentrates and tries her very best on all school work. She happily completes her homework (reading and spelling) every day.
-She is a good reader! I am amazed to see her read books, signs and more.
-Afton is so sweet. Her heart is larger than life. She wants to help everyone.
-She is honest, kind, and has a limitless amount of enthusiasm. 
-I truly feel she loves her family.

Jeff and I took the girls to a 'fancy' dinner for the big day. They loved sitting on the roof top, all dressed up.

Afterwards, more cake! 

Maisy wasn't sure she could 'blow out the candles'....

but then Afton swooped in and saved the day!

And as if being 6 couldn't get any better... Afton lost another tooth!

I am pretty sure this is going to be a great year for Afton!

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