Maisy now weighs 6 lbs., but with her increased interest in nursing, she should be packing on the 'ounces' in no time! I have loved holding her, there is nothing like that newborn baby smell.
We had a lot of visitors while in the hospital. Family came yesterday and today was all about friends. Jennifer and Vivi came this morning, Kristie and Brooke came after lunch, and then Nicole came late afternoon. Maisy was happy to let everyone hold her. And I was delighted to get two of the 'mini bundtlets' from Nothing Bundt Cake. Apparently everyone knows how much I love those!
I have been a lot more mobile. I am free from tubes and cords. I showered, walked the halls several times, and sat up in a chair. My incision isn't horrible, just very tender. I am still waiting for the swelling to subside, it will be nice to see my ankles again.

Tomorrow we plan on going home. Afton will meet us up at the hospital around ten and then the Conner Family will all make the trip home together. We are so excited to begin our life as a family of 4.
I asked Vivi if she got to meet Afton's new baby sister. She said, "YES! Her name is Baby Maisy." Then I asked her what Maisy looks like and she said, "She looks like Sleeping Beauty!" I thought that was so cute!