Afton was so excited to start school. She is going to Chapel Hill this year because we are now members of White's Chapel Church. She has enjoyed her new teachers, friends, and the fact that she doesn't have to nap at school! It was a little strange leaving her there and coming home alone. Last year I taught at her school, so I felt like we were never really apart. But I have had a chance to rest, catch up on housework, make more tutus, and get a pedicure! I am trying to enjoy some quiet time this month because all of this will change once Maisy arrives. Plus when I picked up Afton from her first day of school, she stopped me in the hall, looked me straight in the eye and said "Mom, you are the best mom, I love you!" I guess absence does make the heart grown fonder.

This is wonderful being able to follow the life and times of Afton May Conner and her family! I am so enjoying this opportunity! Love to all!