Monday, October 28, 2019

NCL Kick-Off 2019

Afton and I went to the annual NCL Kick-Off Meeting at Neiman's. There was a fashion show, prizes, and shopping. I was lucky enough to win a $200 gift card to NM! We had fun seeing our friends and checking out the latest fashion trends. 

Back to School- 4th and 8th Grade

All good things must come to an end... even summer break. So when August 19th rolled around, the girls went back to school.

Dog Days of Summer

Summer was still going- and there was still fun to be had.

Running into favorite past teachers- and realizing how much you have grown.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

CTMS 8th Grade Cheer, Camp Thurman, MP Cheer Camp

Afton kicked off 8th-grade cheer with a beautiful photo shoot. She looks so grown up!

Colorado Trip 2019

For our big summer adventure, we decided to travel to Colorado to visit Grammy and experience the mountains. We did a Colorado trip a few years ago, but we wanted to go back again now that the girls are older. I kept a 'travel journal' to document our trip.

Day 1: When in Amarillo... Cadillac Ranch! Turns out both my girls have dreams of being graffiti artists when they grow up 🤣. The sun was setting as we got there and with that wind blowing- it made for a beautiful evening. We were gifted two cans of spray paint by some kids. So we made our addition to this iconic landmark. It was like a group art project - with strangers. I couldn’t get over that big Texas sky.

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