Monday, December 24, 2018

The Nutcracker 2018

Maisy's 4th year in the Nutcracker! This year she was a party girl, angel and clown. I love watching her dance! Such a beautiful Christmas tradition. (I was on the side of the stage helping, so I don't have any photos of the performance from the viewpoint of the audience.)

Saturday, December 22, 2018

More December Fun 2018

December has been fun...

Jeff and I hosted our annual Christmas party for our friends. A good time was had by all! 

Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas Fam Jams 2018

Remember those pjs we bought on Black Friday....

Holiday Happenings 2018

Guess who was a shepherd in the ‘live nativity’ at the Whites Chapel Church Christmas Festival tonight??? Maisy loved performing three times- and had a lot to tell me about the ‘behind the scenes’ antics with the animals 🤣. The baby goats cry a lot, that chicken is a bit pecky, and the bunny was sweet. Afton and her friend Sarah enjoyed all the carnival rides in between shows. And we ended the night with some pretty spectacular fireworks. We all left feeling ‘warm and fuzzy’ with Christmas spirit. 

Thanksgiving 2018

We decided to get out of town for Thanksgiving this year. Our goal-- to spend Thanksgiving with Jeff's grandparents. Since the girls had the entire week off of school, we stretched out the drive and had some adventures along the way. 

Day 1-On our Southern Road Trip! Saturday we drive to Vicksburg, MS. We spent a long time touring the battle grounds and learning about the Civil War. We ate lots of gumbo & pot boys too. We spent the night in Jackson and ate at “Fine & Dandy” 😋

School Daze

Afton and Maisy are doing really well in school this year. Afton was invited to represent CTMS at the school board meeting.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Veteran's Day and Fall Festival 2018

Our school has the best patriotic program for Veteran's Day! And luckily we have the best Veteran to come and share in the celebration.

Halloween 2018

And just like that - it's Halloween! 

Jeff turns 42 :)

Jeff likes to go out of town for his birthday, so I won't throw him a party. Ha! This works out just great for me!! This year we went to Scottsdale, Arizona.

We arrived at the JW Marriott in Camelback on Thursday night.

More Fall Fun 2018

I would say these are 'random pics' -- but they are not really random. They are all the little moments that fill our lives. 

HES PTA Speaker

Teaching a craft class to some 3rd graders- our first activity... SLIME of course! 

Maisy turns 9

Maisy turned 9 years old.. what?! She is growing up to be such a pretty girl, inside and out. Her favorite things are still pizza, my famous chocolate chip waffles, hot dogs, chocolate ice cream, and popcorn with peanut m&m's. She loves ballet, MP cheer, playdates, sleep overs, Barbies, playing pretend and animals. Maisy has a great sense of humor, a big heart, and loves to cuddle on the couch. She is a delight!

We threw a 'glamping party' for her in our garage. The girls had a blast!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

It's Fall Ya'll

Fall in Texas means football, warm weather and pumpkins :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Life is a Parade- 2018

Maisy had a busy week! (Which meant that Afton and I did too :) )

She and Merritt started their private lessons with Katia. It's lots of stretching and correcting technique. New York City- here we come! Ha!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Middle School Cheer

Afton has also been doing middle school cheer. Such a fun age - you can do everything and be anything! The girls perform at Pep Rallies and football games. They practice every Friday after school for 2.5 hours and have been working on routines for NCA in the spring. Go Wolves! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Fun with Friends

First PTA Social of the Year-- "I Love the 80's" ! 

Middle School Volleyball

Afton has been busy with Volleyball. She gets up at 5:30am every day, Monday thru Friday. Practice starts at 6:45am. On Thursdays she stays after school with her team, eats an early dinner, and then attends the games. Games are from 5-8pm. And she usually gets home by 9pm. Afton made the "A team" and is so proud of her team. We have loved watching her skills and friendships grow. Go Lady Wolves!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Many Talents of Maisy Lou

Maisy is coming into her own. She is figuring out who she is and what it is that she likes to do. For so long, she was the little sister. Now she is Maisy. And Maisy is a dancer, a performer, a cheerleader and a girl with big dreams! 

She is dancing twice a week at her ballet school and getting ready to start taking private lessons. Her ballet teacher says Maisy has so much potential as a ballerina and is one of her hardest working students. 

Besides dance, Maisy is really loving cheer. Her squad has been performing on the sidelines and at special events like the Rachel's Challenge Pep Rally and at Cowboys Stadium. Maisy says she will definitely be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader one day. 

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