To start off-- The weather was a little crazy at the beginning of the week. This was the day the girls got out of school for Spring Break. A snowman sat outside of school, from the previous day's snowstorm.

It was cold enough for boots and fur. (This is how 'preschool' Maisy will forever be in my mind. Those boots!!)
Shopping at Bath & Bodyworks in Town Square.
Having fun in the rain! Because these girls always have fun.
By Wednesday, we a got some sun. So we met Grammy at the park. We played 'baseball' and ran in the grass. It felt good to be in the sun!
That night, Jeff surprised us with a dinner at Joe T's! We love our tex-mex.
Thursday, we met our cousins and Mimi in Fort Worth for "Spring Break Art at the Kimball". This was an awesome program.
The girls created 3-D beach houses for the museum village.
Then they went on a docent led 'sketching tour' of the museum. They had 6 minutes to draw each of the four pieces of art on the tour. They took it very seriously.
Here are the results of the sketching. Maisy's on the left, Afton's on the right. It's neat to see both girl's interpretation of the same piece of art.
I was impressed with the all volunteers and program. The girls had a blast.
That afternoon, I took the girls to see the new Cinderella. Loved it!
Saturday, Maisy and I went to a tea room for a party (Afton was at cheer). Maisy loves to dress up.
And we ended the week, with lunch at Grandpa's house with more cousins. It was a great week!