We left after lunch on Thursday and drove to the Lakeway Inn in Austin. The hotel had a huge pool with a slide. It was the perfect way to spend the afternoon.

Then we went to dinner at the resort. The kids were all so happy to be 're-united'. Jade's sister, brother-in-law and their sons joined us.

After the boat, we loaded up and drove to Acme Ranch. I loved this house. So much to do and such a beautiful setting.

We spent the rest of the weekend swimming, eating, drinking, playing games and enjoying family time. We went on hikes, a run, shot guns, and soaked in the great outdoors.
One afternoon, we visited Dan's friend Mickey Redwine. Mickey has a two acre 'natural pool'. It is hard to even capture how amazing this man-made pool is on film.

It was an amazing vacation. Family is such a blessing.